Thursday, 2 September 2010

Just things....

Well, life has been carrying on as usual. Simon going to work and being the wonderful hubby and dad that he is, and me taking care of the house and Kaitlynn and the new growing bump. :) This newest addition never seems to stop moving and I am afraid my joys while having a little girl that is content to play by herself and having quite time is over. I feel that the next little person in our family is going to be completely opposite to the little angel we have been blessed with the last fifteen months. And speaking of the bump, I am already 21 weeks! Its insane how quickly time flies! My goodness, I have already hit the half-way mark in this pregnancy and only have a few more months before we get to meet this little person. I am so glad, however, that the last portion of this pregnancy is going to take place during the winter; I won't have to worry about over heating and feeling too puffy...i hope. I will have my own personalized heater!!

On a different note, our Cystic Fibrosis scare has turned out fine. Simon is not a carrier so the baby will, at most, have the gene. We will have a healthy baby-as far as we see now-so that is good news. Both Simon and I were feeling more calm after the initial wave of "holy crap" and I know its becuase we were comforted by Heavenly Father to let us know everything would be fine. Its going to be super wierd to have two kids; every time I venture to a new horizon in my life I think, "how strange, I never thought I would be at this point in my life". However, every new horizon crossed has only made my life more fulfilling and joyful!

We also signed the papers for our house on monday! We are officially home owners, although our home at the moment is just a plot of land. But in just a few short days the ground will be broken and we will begin construction on our house! We are all very excited. Living with my parents for the next year is going to be quite an adventure. But thankfully my parents are not hard to live with, in fact they are wonderful and I am so grateful for thier love and support. Life is exciting, and I am happy to have all the blessings that I do.