Well, this is going to be shorter than expected becuase I just wrote a whole entry and then lost it! stupid me! I am tired and well, really uncomfortable. But I just wanted to update everyone (those who actually read this....) . Things are going really well in our little family. We just enjoyed a fun Halloween holiday weekend. Simon and I have always enjoyed dressing up and being silly, as all can see he was the king of silly this year! To my great pleasure I put together his entire costume and he looked amazing. In fact I put all of our costumes together. :) I am awesome!
Kaitlynn loved trick or treating (well trunk or treating). She couldn't get enough of all the other kids and was so excited the whole time. She was screaming with enjoyment. :) What a funny girl.
We have also finally begun construction on our house and Simon and I are so excited. We worked on saturday and felt so excited about the prospect of finally having our house on the way. Its going to be a long (possible 12 months) but one that we are really going to feel accomplished about. In fact, I think that Simon is really going to be proud of the fact that he built our home with his own hands. And over the next few months i think that will be alot of work for him since with my growing belly I won't be able to help as much as I had planned. Speaking of which, we only have ten weeks until our newest addition will be able to join our family and I am kind of freaking out a bit. But Simon is a huge help and encouragement with everything that we face. He is such a great husband to have and I am so glad that I caught him for myself!!!! He takes care of us and works so hard to make sure that we have what we need. I am so grateful daily for his efforts to make our family more comfortable. And speaking of him, he just applied for school and is really looking forward to getting started. I am so proud of him too for going back. What a good bloke. Things are really going well and I am also very grateful for my parents letting us stay with them. We have so much to be grateful for and I can't wait for our next adventure! :)