All I can say is.......MY GOSH! I suppose that this time of year is synonymous with germs, but sheesh. My kiddies have been sick for the past three and a half weeks! It all started out with Kaitlynn contracting pink eye (or conjuncitvitis) from some little person in nursery. Then, she got an ear infection. After which, she came down with a really nasty cold (coughing, runny nose etc.) and now has a rash, which is the side affect of being so sick for so long; her body is just fighting her I guess. And now we are back to another ear infection! seriously. Not to mention that poor little Syd, who has only been in this world just a little under two months caught the pink eye and now the nasty cold as well as also having an ear infection! PLEASE. Two sick babies is NOt cool.
Needless to say, this is more of a venting post I suppose. But sitting here at 11p.m. I guess I just needed to write it out. I must admit, however, that I am truly grateful for the advances in medicine. Antibiotics are a wonderful thing. Glad that I have them so my little ones can get over the nasty bugs that are wrecking their little bodies right now. And I am grateful that they are not any sicker than what they already are.
However, I am really looking forward to spring/summer time! Can't wait for the warm weather, the sunshine and mostly...the lack of sickness running around!!! GAH.