Another funny thing happened as well, and I think this was a great example of Kaitlynn's determination and desire to have more independence. She has been learning how to use a spoon and fork more lately and is loving it. She is not super proficient in it, but enjoys doing it (finally). However, like many kids, she still prefers using her hands when she eats. So, yesterday I gave her a bowl of cold cereal for breakfast and handed her her spoon so she could eat. Well, the mean progressed as such: she started eating with her spoon, then she got bored with that after about ten minutes and began eating her cereal with her fingers. Then, I think she realized she wasn't getting the full meal (meaning the milk included with her cereal) by just using her fingers, so she proceeded to pour the milk and cereal out on her highchair tray. From there she started to put her face directly into the milk and cereal on the tray and slurp up the milk! I started laughing when I saw her cute little face (and hair) drenched and dripping with milk.
When she realized I was giggling at what she was doing she started doing git more, of course, and then also decided that she could splash the milk as well and it was just as fun. Needless to say, there were puddles of milk all over the floor and she was aboslutely covered in milk and cereal. But, hey, I know she enjoyed breakfast far more than if I had sat and helped her eat with her spoon (like a "regular" person). This little girl loves to be crazy and it just makes me laugh the enjoyment that she gets out of the little things in life, like pouring out her cereal and slurping up the milk! :)
This little girl loves to be crazy and it just makes me laugh the enjoyment that she gets out of the little things in life, like pouring out her cereal and slurping up the milk! :) Our family is just really blessed to have the two little people that we do in our family! I love my kids so much and I can't wait to see how Sydney continues to grow and interact with his big sister!
I am glad that my little princess is not the only little girls to make such messes!